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Head Teacher’s Welcome

Head Teacher’s Welcome

Welcome to our school’s website. My name is Tom Hunt and I am so proud to be Head Teacher of St Thomas More Catholic Primary School.

In our school, the values of family, aspiration and love are the foundations of everything we do.

We are a small, family-orientated school where every child is known by all. We aim to provide an excellent education for all our pupils within a caring, stimulating and motivational learning environment. Our school is calm and ordered and there is a culture of mutual respect.

At St Thomas More, we provide a welcoming, nurturing and safe learning environment in which the talents of all pupils and staff are recognised and developed to the full. Our school is happy and vibrant and our children enjoy the learning process. They are guided by caring, enthusiastic, highly motivated and aspirational staff.

‘Pupils at St Thomas More are friendly, polite and respectful. They behave well and welcome visitors to the school’

‘The Catholic life of the school shines through all that pupils do.’

OFSTED October 2019

The staff, governors and parents work in close partnership with  support from the Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust, The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle and the local church of St. Joseph’s in the Parish of the Durham Martyrs. As a Roman Catholic school, our ethos is built upon in Christian values and the teachings of Christ, which underpin all areas of school life.

Success and community are celebrated through a calendar of shared events which include Masses and liturgies, information evenings, performances and sporting events, and more. Pupils are supported to develop confidence and are thrilled to share their accomplishments with their family and the wider community.

We warmly welcome visits to the school; please do not hesitate to contact the school office for further information or to make an appointment.

Mr Tom Hunt ~ Headteacher

Our School Video

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Updated | 10th September, 2024 |

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