

The 2002 Education Act requires schools to provide a broad and  balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Our school follows the National Curriculum. Within our whole-school curriculum there are individual subject disciplines that are taught both through discrete subjects and cross-curricular themes depending on which is more appropriate. The same consideration, in terms of intent, implementation and impact, has been given to each individual subject as to the curriculum as a whole.

To find out more about the School Curriculum please view our school policies or contact the school office.



The broad and balanced curriculum at St Thomas More Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary School is designed to ensure that pupils recognise their unique skills and talents, have a passion for learning, are equipped to contribute positively to the community, achieve well and have high aspirations. It is underpinned by the core values of our mission statements and is driven by an understanding of and proactive response to our schools’ distinctive ethos as Catholic schools and to the culture and diversity of our local and wider communities. The curriculum is designed to be progressive and sequential ensuring academic success, the development of creativity and problem solving skills, reliability, responsibility and resilience, as well as physical development. Well-being and mental health are also key elements that support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning, supporting pupils for their next stage. These values are taught on their own and through other areas of the curriculum, including assemblies. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of the core values of our society are woven through the curriculum.

St Thomas More is committed to meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum and the requirements of the Bishops of England and Wales as our pupils pass through each key stage. Our schemes of work reflect the content and challenge of the curriculum.

Teachers have received training in key areas of curriculum change in order to provide outstanding curriculum provision.

Experiences for pupils are:

  • Inclusive
  • Exciting
  • Challenging
  • Engaging
  • Real and experiential
  • Relevant to their context
  • Influenced by pupils
  • Progressive
  • Values-led
  • Safe

The curriculum is designed to include:

  • A clearly articulated learning journey with a purposeful outcome
  • An engaging stimulant for learning
  • Opportunities for pupils to contribute to planning the learning journey
  • Real experiences
  • Application of basic skills including computing
  • Cross-curricular links where they add value



Curriculum Subjects Statements

Art & Design

View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.

Design & Technology

View the subject overview.

English Reading

View the subject overview.

English Writing

View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.

Physical Education

View the subject overview.

Religious Education

View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.

Relationships & Health Education

View the subject overview.


View the subject overview.

Class Overviews

Class Name
Blyton ClassView
Dahl ClassView
Donaldson ClassView
Rowling ClassView


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