Policies & Related Documents


School Policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

Policies / Documents List

Policy Name Date
Accessibility Plan2024-26View
Admissions Policy2023-24View
Admissions Policy2024-25View
Anti-Bulling Policy2024-26View
Attendance Policy2023-25View
Behaviour Policy2023-24View
Charging and Remissions Policy2024-25View
Code of Conduct for Parents and CarersN/AView
Complaints Policy2024-25View
Employee Code of Conduct2023-24View
Equality Objectives2023-27View
Governors’ Statement on BehaviourN/AView
Remote Learning Policy2022-24View
RSE Policy2023-25View
Safeguarding and Child Protection (Child friendly)2024-25View
Safeguarding and Child Protection2024-25View
SEND Information Report2024-25View
Whistleblowing Policy2023-24View

Trust Policies

For additional trust wide policies such as annual reports and accounts, trustees’ information and duties, and complaints, please visit the BWCET website.


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